The human eye can be a locked door to so many things. There are thousands of emotions in the spectrum that we can feel. Day by day, we learn to hide those emotions behind a facade of "I'm okay". Why? I've been lied to and stepped on, all the while being shown the welcoming smile of someone who I wouldn't suspect otherwise. Maybe I'm naive.
Some people, most people, believe that as humans we are free. Great as that may sound, I would argue that we are not free. Most of us would say that because we're on the top of the evolutionary system, because we have our cell phones and our airplanes, we don't answer to a master, and we are free.
Humans do have a master, fear. I use that in a very broad sense of the word. When you won't go out in public because you don't like how other people will judge you, you are answering to a master. When you won't stop on the side of the road for a broken down car because "someone else will stop", you're answering to a master.
I try every day to help someone, in some way, because I want to break away from that stagnant chain everyone is being tethered to. I want to be different, and not how a 14-year old might want to be "unique". I want to be kind. That's one thing I haven't been for most of my life, Kind.
For the first six years, I was stupid. I was fearful. I was happy. For the next five after that, I was growing, learning, feeding. When I became a teenager, I became something new....resentful. Resentful of a society that had once had so much shine to it. Now that I understood how things worked, that shine had traveled.
As I tumbled through High School, much like a ball might tumble down a set of stairs, I started making and losing connections all over the place. People I disliked started to grow on me, and friends I'd had since I was Stupid were now all but gone. I was crawling out of ignorance, hoping to find something a little warmer. Ive never liked cold weather..
I'd say wanting to be kind is inhuman. We may think ourselves advanced, evolved, and above all other species, but...we really aren't. We're still driven by emotion, no matter what toys we surround our time with. We hate, we lust, we hurt, and we act upon all of those things most of the time without thinking. It takes practice to think with logic.
I wouldn't say I'm the shining example of what someone should be. Quite the opposite, actually. I'm still growing, at least...I hope so. Idolizing someone, or making yourself out to be someone that isn't you will do more harm than good. There's a hundred percent chance that person is still growing just like you, and until someone dies, they aren't above you in any way. When someone passes away, they might leave a legacy. Follow their good intentions....not their emotion driven actions.
A person might act upon their "faith". Faith is a funny emotion. It's part compassion, part ignorance, and part greed. There are many theistic people who are really great, compassionate individuals. There are also many of those who are not. I'd like for everyone, theist or otherwise, to be able to act on what helps those around them. Rather that, than acting on what it says to do in whatever "holy scripture" you might follow.
When you follow a religion, you're intentions might be good. You might think you're genuinely helping someone when in reality, you're alienating them because of their beliefs. If you want to worship a dogma, I won't stop you. However, it would be great if you could follow it with perspective. Know what's right, and what's wrong, without having to consult your religion.
nice. just very nice. better than I could have put it.